วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Mega Bookstores in Korea are Bomb

Mega Bookstores in Korea are Bomb

Bookstores around the world are favorites for even casual readers. People peruse shelves, pick up books, read a few pages and just hang out a bit. But hanging out in a bookstore in Korea might be a bit more fun. Big time book stores like Kyobo, Bandi & Lunis or YoungPung has CDs, DVDs, and console video games. But they also have super cute stationary, puzzles, alarm clocks, stuffed animals and even “why is this being sold in book store” items like jewelry and musical instruments. And because of that, bookstores are favorite places to meet and hangout with friends, even your thug lyfe cousin that hates reading.

Visiting Seoul? Check out the two largest book stores in Korea:

Gangnam Kyobo Books (11,900m²)
Sinnonhyeon Station (Line 9 – exit 6)

Gwanghwamun Kyobo Books (9000m²)
Gwanghwamun Station (Line 5 – exit 3)

