วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Camping Cafe in Hongdae

Camping Cafe in Hongdae

Seoul is a metropolis in every sense of the word. There’s tall skyscrapers, tons of cars and lots of busy people. But we’re all humans and sometimes we need to connect with nature. But if you don’t have enough time, camping cafes, complete with tents, picnic tables and camping chairs, will let you pretend you’re out with the stars all you want. But the best part is probably the meat, sausages and vegetables that come straight from an outdoor charcoal grill (which is pretty rare in Seoul). It’s a break from the busy that we all need sometimes

Note: Not all camping cafes have outdoor grills. But this one does! (Actually, it’s more restaurant-like than cafe :P.)

Recommendation: I’m Camper
Address: 서울 마포구 상수동 329-7 (Seoul, Mapo-gu, Sangsu-dong 329-7)
Maps: Google
Closest Subway Station: Sangsu Station (Line 6)
Blog (for pics): sssstartwo (Korean), ViviPumpkin (Korean)

